Dorm rooms, and bathrooms. Bedside tables and hospital rooms. New homes and old ones. For our daughters and our sons. Sisters and neighbors. Ourselves. Friendships and spouses. Birthdays and weddings. New babies. Foster babies. Big kids. Classrooms, playrooms and locker rooms. For day time and night time. Comings and going. Pastors. Leaders. Offices.
Our best days and our worst. When faith feels near. When it doesn't.
Thank you for the realms of this world that I know to be true. The ways that we are redeemed and protected. The unseen. And, the seen.
Thankful for the way these beings show up for us. Sometimes we get to know it. Most of the time we don't.
But, we still keep praying for it.
And, they still faithfully and graciously come.