What does “Giving Generously” even mean? 


Well… it all started with the 100 Days of Art Challenge. During this season of my life I began to see that art and the sale of art had impact. That the stories we tell each other and the way we live our connected days can change the world around us. And beyond. 


One day, the phrase “art as a conduit for change” was birthed. On a walk. And it has become our driving force. We want to be know as a little art family that gives so generously and audaciously that it can be said -

“that there was no need among them”.


Art and the creative process is part of who we are. But, we believe it can be so much more than just filling empty walls. Art piling up in corners or social media posts. We have seen it happen. And that makes us want to do it more.


Our long term goal is to get to a place where we are giving 80% of the profits away. Operating out of 20%. Can you image??

I can. I hope you can too. If not, then let me show you part of my dream… 


What if? What if...  we had this huge pool of money saved up. What if when you heard of a need (or saw a need) and as a family we came together and met it? No matter what it was. What if, with every purchase you know that someone was being impacted. Because they are. Where the Spirit leads we follow.


We are a community who see beauty in the mess. Finds the joy. Loves always. Gives generously. 

I’m up for this. I can wrap my head and my energy around that.


If I’m honest, it’s hard for me to share all this. But, the Lord is showing me that this is not a “me” thing, this is a FAMILY thing! 

For that… I say… THANK YOU! 



Through Compassion International we have purchased goats, chickens and veggie farms for families, hygiene kits for girls, sewing classes, textbooks, and art classes. 

Locally we have partnered with school counselors and teachers to fill specific needs of elementary kids, fed single moms, created a 12 Days of Christmas give-a-way, helped foster families, purchased glasses, and so much more.

What a joy to have been given this opportunity to watch the sell of ART impact the world. 

And, we believe, that we are just beginning! 


Thank you for being on this wild ride with us!